
Monday Apr 20, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: The Century Ride
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 12 - Josh Marshall
The frontlines of COVID doesn’t only include healthcare workers, it also includes journalists. In an era where information is so important, journalists are facing threats of their own. With an advertising drought caused by the economic crash associated with COVID, many news providers are having to make sacrifices as they struggle to continue covering the pandemic. Josh Marshall, founder of Talking Points Memo, joins Dr. Kohler for the Surgery Sett’s 100th episode to discuss how he is navigating this crisis.
Talking Points Memo: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/
The Josh Marshall Podcast: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/podcast-series/the-josh-marshall-podcast
The TPM List of Key Coronavirus Crisis Links: https://talkingpointsmemo.com/covid-19-community

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: Convalescent Plasma
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 11 - Dr. Bill Hartman and Dr. Joe Connor
In what has been a seemingly endless fight against COVID, Dr. Bill Hartman and Dr. Joe Connor arrive with some hopeful news. Through the use of convalescent plasma, or the antibodies found in the blood of a recovered patient, a potential treatment for COVID-19 is being tested. Dr. Hartman and Dr. Connor discuss how they streamlined the process of developing such a therapy at unprecedented speeds, and share how you can help!
UW Convalescent Plasma: https://news.wisc.edu/plasma-from-recovered-covid-19-patients-tested-as-therapy-for-seriously-ill-patients-at-uw-health/
National website: https://www.uscovidplasma.org/
Hotline: +1(608)262-8300
Toll-free number: +1(833)306-0681
“Sometimes” poem: https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/sometimes-416/

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: Organizing a Decentralized Structure
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 10 - Dr. Barbara Boyer
Dr. Barbara Boyer is the president of the medical staff of her hospital, which has a decentralized structure. They don't share a common email system, in the past they had met in-person once a month, and now they are faced with trying to organize under the conditions of COVID. Dr. Boyer shares how she's gone about distributing resources and disseminating information, while facing the threat of coronavirus and the obstacles of social distancing.
Some Good News with John Krasinski:
"To Be of Use" by Marge Piercy: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/57673/to-be-of-use

Friday Apr 10, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: The General
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 9 - Dr. Rebecca Minter
Thus far in the Frontlines of COVID series, Dr. Kohler has been discussing the COVID crisis with those "on the ground" so to speak. Now, Dr. Kohler meets with the chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Wisconsin: Dr. Rebecca Minter. Dr. Minter shares how she has orchestrated the department along with her fellow chairs to make care run as smoothly as possible.
Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781591847489
"Lockdown" by Father Richard Hendrick: https://www.irishcentral.com/news/coronavirus-lockdown-poem

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: Rural Care
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 8 - Dr. Jill Ties
COVID-19 has put an unprecedented strain on the resources in our healthcare system, especially in big cities where the virus spreads rapidly. Where we see cities struggling to deal with a lack of resources, a lot can be learned from rural communities where getting creative with a lack of resources is more common. Dr. Jill Ties gives us her perspective on this lack of resources, and shares how her hospital is dealing with coronavirus.
The Surgical Collaborative of Wisconsin COVID-19 Resources: https://www.scwisconsin.org
American College of Surgeons COVID-19 Resources for Surgeons: https://www.facs.org/covid-19
Hospital Resource Utilization and Pandemic Prediction Models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation: https://covid19.healthdata.org
Abraham Lincoln’s Cooper Union Address: http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/cooper.htm

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: Maintaining Medical Education
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 7 - Dr. Jacob Greenberg
Deciding how to move forward with medical education is tough with social distancing alone, but when it comes to preparing a labor force to help fight the COVID-19 pandemic, the decision only gets more complicated. Dr. Jacob Greenberg, the surgery program director for the University of Wisconsin explains the thinking behind his team's approach to this difficult question.

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: Pregnancy feat. The Women's Healthcast
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 6 - The Women's Healthcast
In this episode, we hand over the reins to Jackie Askins of the Women's Healthcast as she discusses how people should handle pregnancies during the COVID-19 pandemic. As with all things in the moment of coronavirus, extra precautions should be taken when handling a pregnancy. Jackie details exactly what those precautions are. The Women's Healthcast is a production of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
The Women's Healthcast: https://womenshealthcast.podbean.com/
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding - US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/pregnancy-breastfeeding.html
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): What You Need to Know About its Impact on Moms and Babies - March of Dimes: https://www.marchofdimes.org/complications/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-what-you-need-to-know.aspx
COVID-19 Information for Pregnant and Breastfeeding Individuals and Newborns - UW Health https://coronavirus.uwhealth.org/covid-19-information-for-pregnant-women-newborns-and-breastfeeding/
Coronavirus pregnancy FAQs – Babycenter https://www.babycenter.com/0_coronavirus-covid-19-pregnancy-faq-medical-experts-answer-yo_40007006.bc
COVID-19 – Wisconsin Department of Health Services https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/index.htm
Carry On, by Robert Service: http://www.poetryloverspage.com/poets/service/carry_on.html

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: The Blood Shortage
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 5 - Dr. Thomas Raife
As the healthcare system struggles to care for COVID-19 patients, a second unprecedented crisis is in need of attention. Dr. Thomas Raife, the director of transfusion services at UW, is calling for action on blood shortages across the country, including you! Why is there a blood shortage during a respiratory-based pandemic? What can you do to help?
To make a blood donation, visit the following links:
https://www.redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS
Miniver Cheevy, by E.A. Robinson: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44978/miniver-cheevy
Music: "The Sea" by Dee Yan-Key

Saturday Mar 21, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: Postcard From the Future
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
Saturday Mar 21, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 4 - Dr. Giana Davidson and Dr. Estell Williams
Seattle serves as the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic, and provides a window into the future of communities across the nation. Dr. Giana Davidson and Dr. Estell Williams are surgeons from the University of Washington. They share how their healthcare community has pulled together to provide the best care possible in this crisis, and what to expect in the coming days.
YoYo Ma's "Songs of Comfort": https://twitter.com/hashtag/SongsOfComfort?src=hashtag_click
UW Medicine Protocols: https://covid-19.uwmedicine.org/
Estell Williams’ Blog Post: https://blog.womensurgeons.org/awschat/coronaviruspandemic-surg/

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: The Role of Telehealth
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
The Frontlines of COVID: A Surgery Sett Series: Episode 3 - Dr. Tom Brazelton
One of the main concerns with the COVID-19 crisis in America is the inability of our healthcare system to handle a massive influx of patients, even patients that may not have coronavirus, but still need care. Dr. Tom Brazelton, like many others, finds that telehealth and telemedicine can help relieve some of the stress on our healthcare system. Especially now, when some restrictions are starting to be lifted that have hindered the use of telehealth in the past.